Marcus Pinnecke, B.Sc.

M.Sc. Marcus Pinnecke
AG Datenbanken & Software Engineering
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Completed projects
COOPeR: Cross-device OLTP/OLAP PRocessing
Duration: 01.09.2016 bis 30.06.2021
Database Management Systems (DBMS) face two challenges today. On the one hand DBMS must handle Online Transaction Processing (OLTP), and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) in combination to enable real-time analysis of business processes. The real-time analysis of business processes is necessary to improve the quality of reports and analyzes, since fresh data is favored for modern analysis rather than historical data only. On the other hand, computer systems become increasingly heterogeneous to provide better hardware performance. The architecture changes from single-core CPUs to multi-core CPUs supported by several co-processors. These trends must be considered in DBMS to improve the quality and performance, and to ensure that DBMS satisfy future requirements (e.g., more complex queries, or more increased data volume). Unfortunately, current research approaches address only one of these two challenges: either the combination of OLTP and OLAP workloads in traditional CPU-based systems, or co-processor acceleration for a single workload type is considered. Therefore, an unified approach addressing both challenges at once is missing. In this project we want to include both challenges of DBMS to enable efficient processing of combined OLTP / OLAP workloads in hybrid CPU / Co-processor systems. This is necessary in order to realize real-time business intelligence. The main challenge is guaranteeing the ACID properties for OLTP, while at the same time to combine and to process efficiently OLTP / OLAP workloads in such a hybrid systems.
- Marcus Pinnecke.
Optimal Storage for Heterogeneous Hybrid Transactional/Analytical
PhD thesis, University of Magdeburg, July 2022.
- Marcus Pinnecke, Gabriel Campero, David
Broneske, Roman Zoun, and Gunter Saake.
GridTables: A One-Size-Fits-Most H2TAP Data
Datenbank-Spektrum, Volume 2020/01/31,
- Gabriel Campero Durand, Rufat Piriyev,
Marcus Pinnecke, David Broneske, and Gunter Saake.
Automated Vertical Partitioning
with Deep Reinforcement Learning.
European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information
Systems, September 2019.
- Rutuja Pawar, Sepideh Sobhgol, Gabriel
Campero Durand, Marcus Pinnecke, David Broneske, and Gunter Saake.
Codd's World: Topics and their Evolution in the Database
Community Publication Graph.
In Grundlagen von Datenbanken, volume 2367, pages 1–6, June
- Roman Zoun, Kay Schallert, David
Broneske, Wolfram Fenske, Marcus Pinnecke, Robert Heyer, Sven Brehmer, Dirk
Benndorf, and Gunter Saake.
MSDataStream - Connecting a Bruker Mass Spectrometer to the
In Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web, pages
507 – 510. Gesellschaft für Informatik, March
- Marcus Pinnecke, Gabriel Campero, Roman
Zoun, David Broneske, and Gunter Saake.
Protobase: It’s About Time for Backend/Database
In Holger Meyer, Norbert Ritter, Andreas Thor, Daniela Nicklas, Andreas Heuer,
and Meike Klettke, editors, BTW 2019 – Workshopband, volume
P-289 of Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), pages 515–518.
Gesellschaft für Informatik, March 2019.
- Marcus Pinnecke, Gabriel Campero, Roman
Zoun, David Broneske, and Gunter Saake.
Protobase: It's About Time for Backend/Database Co-Design.
In Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW),
pages 515–518, 2019.
- Iya Arefyeva, David Broneske, Gabriel
Campero, Marcus Pinnecke, and Gunter Saake.
Memory Management Strategies in CPU/GPU Database Systems:
A Survey.
In BDAS. Springer, September 2018.
- Bala Gurumurthy, David Broneske, Marcus
Pinnecke, Gabriel Campero Durand, and Gunter Saake.
SIMD Vectorized Hashing for Grouped
In Advances in Databases and Information Systems, pages 113 –
126, September 2018.
- Iya Arefyeva, Gabriel Campero Durand,
Marcus Pinnecke, David Broneske, and Gunter Saake.
Low-Latency Transaction Execution
on Graphics Processors: Dream or Reality?.
Ninth International Workshop on Accelerating Analytics and Data
Management Systems Using Modern Processor and Storage Architectures
(ADMS), August 2018.
- Gabriel Campero Durand, Marcus
Pinnecke, Rufat Piriyev, Mahmoud Mohsen, David Broneske, Gunter Saake, Maya
Sekeran, Fabian Rodriguez, and Laxmi Balami.
GridFormation: Towards Self-Driven
Online Data Partitioning using Reinforcement Learning.
In First International Workshop on Exploiting Artificial Intelligence
Techniques for Data Management (aiDM), June 2018.
- Gabriel Campero Durand, Jingyi Ma,
Marcus Pinnecke, and Gunter Saake.
Piecing together large puzzles, efficiently: Towards
scalable loading into graph database systems.
In Grundlagen von Datenbanken, May 2018.
- Jacob Krüger, Marcus Pinnecke, Andy
Kenner, Christopher Kruczek, Fabian Benduhn, Thomas Leich, and Gunter Saake.
Composing Annotations Without Regret? Practical Experiences Using
Software: Practice and Experience, 48(3):402–427, March 2018.
- Gabriel Campero Durand, Anusha
Janardhana, Marcus Pinnecke, Yusra Shakeel, Jacob Krüger, Thomas Leich,
and Gunter Saake.
Exploring Large Scholarly Networks with Hermes.
In International Conference on Extending Database Technology,
EDBT, pages 650–653. OpenProceedings, March 2018.
- Robert Jendersie, Johannes Wuensche,
Johann Wagner, Marten Wallewein-Eising, Marcus Pinnecke, and Gunter Saake.
Thread Management for High Performance Database Systems -
Design and Implementation.
Technical report, Arbeitsgruppe Database and Software Engineering,
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, 2018.
- Robert Jendersie, Johannes Wuensche,
Johann Wagner, Marten Wallewein-Eising, Marcus Pinnecke, and Gunter Saake.
Thread Management for High Performance Database Systems
- Design and Implementation.
Technical report, Arbeitsgruppe Database and Software Engineering,
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, 2018.
- Sebastian Krieter, Marcus Pinnecke,
Jacob Krüger, Joshua Sprey, Christopher Sontag, Thomas Thüm, Thomas
Leich, and Gunter Saake.
FeatureIDE: Empowering Third-Party Developers.
In International Systems and Software Product Line Conference,
SPLC, pages 42–45. ACM, September 2017.
- Gabriel Campero Durand, Marcus
Pinnecke, David Broneske, and Gunter Saake.
Backlogs and
interval timestamps: Building blocks for supporting temporal queries in graph
In Proceedings of the Workshops of the EDBT/ICDT 2017 Joint Conference
(EDBT/ICDT 2017), Venice, Italy, March 21-24, 2017., volume 1810.
CEUR-WS, 2017.
- Marcus Pinnecke, David Broneske,
Gabriel Campero Durand, and Gunter Saake.
Are Databases Fit for
Hybrid Workloads on GPUs? A Storage Engine’s Perspective..
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Big Data Management on
Emerging Hardware, San Diego, USA, April 22, 2017, pages 1599–1606,
- Iya Arefyeva, David Broneske, Marcus
Pinnecke, Mudit Bhatnagar, and Gunter Saake.
Column vs. Row Stores
for Data Manipulation in Hardware Oblivious CPU/GPU Database
In GvDB, pages 24–29. CEUR-WS, 2017.
- Marcus Pinnecke.
Efficient Single Step Traversals in Main-Memory
Graph-Shaped Data.
Master's thesis, University of Magdeburg, June 2016.
- Marcus Pinnecke, David Broneske, and
Gunter Saake.
Toward GPU
Accelerated Data Stream Processing.
In Proceedings of the 27th GI-Workshop Grundlagen von Datenbanken,
Gommern, Germany, May 26-29, 2015., pages 78–83,
- Marcus Pinnecke and Bastian
Query optimization in heterogenous event processing federations.
Datenbank-Spektrum, 15(3):193–202, 2015.
- Marcus Pinnecke.
Konzept und prototypische Implementierung eines föderativen Complex
Event Processing Systeme mit Operatorverteilung.
In Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2015),
Workshopband, pages 233–242. GI, 2015.